Classic Gold Premium
[web work]

Classic Gold Premium Website image

The project was developed as a collaboration between Kerry Rodden and Criticaldías in the context of the 2019 CAD+SR research fellowship: the interactive net art work considers how words deriving from colonial economies and racial sciences are re-circulated and re-valued by contemporary global bio-markets.

Clicking on the word-images displayed on the URL homepage generates data that is stored locally on your device (via local storage). The data is also displayed in real time on the same page through fluctuating valves that rise or fall according to ‘an algorithm’ that has previously assigned them a value (money or other standards of value).

That is, the site does not use ‘cookies’ for what it is normally used for (‘remembering’ you in an invasive way, selling you products you do not need, personalizing content or accumulating data to benefit other providers). The project points to the Internet interface as a depository for human memory and a powerful translation zone, a site of historical material struggle, where beliefs regarding social and biological reproduction are negotiated today.

Project link

Exhibitions, performances & talks
"Classic Gold Premium
(It's difficult to be Baroque, more difficult to be opaque)"
[one day installation with Criticaldías] part of 108days, a project by Lydia Ourahmane,
MACBA, Barcelona.
"Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving: Reconsidering Cyberfeminism in 2021" [Virtual interactive exhibition], curated by Liss Lafleur & Mel Clemmons.
"Las lógicas raciales de la reproducción asistida" [Talk and workshop, with Anyely Marín] Centro LGTBi Barcelona, 2020.
"Classic Gold Premium", [Talk, with Anyely Marín], Smart Cities Week, Hangar, Barcelona, 2019.
"Counter-chronologies of reproductive control" [Talk and performance] PRAKSIS, curated by Syowia Kyambi, Oslo, 2019.

MACBA installation

Oslo performance

Charla Centro LGBT Barcelona

Virtual ex

Virtual ex

MACBA installation