
Réplica (2022)

Réplica book cover

Réplica is stunning. It is fresh, endlessly surprising, and lyrically exhilarating. The power of its invention produces an excitement for the listener and reader akin to uncovering a world of possibility in language and images. These are such powerful poems: controlled yet white-hot with verbal energy.

—David Morley

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Valid, Virtual, Vegetable Reality (2018)

Valid, Virtual, Vegetable Reality book cover

Winner of the 2017 Melita Hume Prize
chosen by Anthony Vahni Capildeo

This is a distinctive, urban voice, which holds on to speaking and feeling throughout states of fragmentariness. Through the fractures in its language, perceptions, and experiences, things still truly matter. This is evidenced in the habit of thorough delicate observation that translates into the ability suddenly, and aptly, to evoke a pastel dianthus or a satellite signal, or to draw unexpectedly on earlier, traditional forms without falling under their yoke. It is evidenced, too, in the engagement with ‘secondary worlds’ of film and other visual art, not ekphrastically, but as part of processing everything: the various figures, situations, scenes and would-be-meanings cracking with violent variety, unassimilable chasms in friendship, unnameable proximities, and tender moments of weird connexion. Even if you have not lived lives resembling those depicted here, whether their worlds of work or experimentation, you know that these lives are aspects of yours. As the Melita Hume Prize is for a first full-length collection, it seems good to award it to a book which made reading feel like a fresh adventure.

—Anthony Vahni Capildeo

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podcast flyer
A conversation with Madeleine Stack 
and Fer Boyd on
Montez Press Radio

issue flyer
Canal tour readings at
Horse Hospital, London

tour flyer
Canal tour 2022

issue flyer
An audio reading for
Bath magg Issue 10

talk flyer
A poetry workshop on 'time, temporality and timing'
using archival poems from Sappho Magazine (1972-1980) at
Glasgow Women's Library

workshop flyer
A writing workshop on 'Tongues: A Riot! 
A Mayhem! A Rampage! An Ecstasy!' at
Eastside Projects, Birmingham

event flyer
Canal readings at
Me siento extraña,
Candy Darling Bar, Barcelona.

event flyer
A talk on the headless man, the acephalic
and how to de-face a sonnet,
Institute of Impossible Subjects

talk flyer
A reading for Jack Underwood's
lockdown series

In magazines,
anthologies & journals

Broken Screen on Parallel

  Liquid detergent in the laundromat. Again,
  but in a new way. Off with the shirt bright shirt 
  now dry. What poltergeists this time? A sock 
  up there, demonic sock stuck to the bowl
  the metal ceiling sways, sky of apertures. 
  The water drains in June, my shirt is saved. 
  A digital ad outside competes with its content’s 
  bloody nose decommissioned from the face 
  of a digital woman whole & round 
  apart from her nosebleed that glitches & spills 
  down Parallel Avenue in rainbow colours. 
  The gas station has replaced its usual signage 
  with rainbow colours. Though not in reference to the 
  Cusco flag associated with the Tahuantinsuyo territories
  or to express gratitude to the province of Guayas 
  where this Anglo company stole land in 1919 
  but for cheering gay oil gay oil for Barcelona’s Pride.                                                                                        

Broken Screen at Sörnäinen

  It’s evening here between 5 &                 6
  Junk calendar decorum		        help
  The breathing billiard balls
  Knocking apart            I feel like nothing 
  My empty body’s pathway    magnetised
  Organise from the quality garden       up
  You can sort it 	                           in a sec
  Misstep			         uplifting     
  The spider’s pose      its face     the circuit

book cover book cover
In TRIO (2023) 

The Lovers III / Los amantes III

  the hay bales are getting packed

  I try to learn your pace follow you

  walk at your speed it’s so awkward

  to learn

  I used to feel embarrassed emphasising

  the accents of stressed syllables in castellano

  I might trip better to stay quick

  & wrong

  I give advice to everyone

  the definition of a narcissist

  he who is attached to an image of themselves

  as complete the narcissist gives 
  not because they are generous 

  but because they need totality reflected back

  at regular intervals like a scientist

  of a certain tradition a novelist of a certain tradition

  to refuse

  the only thing you need while

  rip-offs continue speeding light into the future

  is to love your own ear

  it is your anti-speed medicine

  I put my ear to your ear

  poets are so extractive their ear so desiring

  los fardos de heno se embalan

  intento aprender tu ritmo seguirte

  caminar a tu velocidad es tan incómodo


  antes me daba vergüenza enfatizar

  los acentos de las sílabas acentuadas en castellano 

  podría tropezar mejor voy rápido

  y equivocade

  doy consejos a todo el mundo

  la definición de un narcisista

  el que está apegado a una imagen de sí mismo

  como completa el narcisista da 
  no porque es generoso 

  sino porque necesita una totalidad reflejada

  a intervalos regulares como un científico

  de cierta tradición un novelista de cierta tradición

  para rechazar

  lo único que necesitas mientras

  las estafas continúan a velocidad del rayo hacia el futuro 

  es amar tu propio oído

  es tu medicina anti-velocidad

  pongo mi oreja en tu oreja

  las poetas son tan extractivas su oído tan deseante


The Lovers IV / Los amantes IV
  Remember Gay Sundays? 
  We’d watch gay porn & use up
  all our lube. The news trundles on. 
  Is this a day or some kind of
  artistic medium? Silence:
  nothing left of it. But here you are
  reproducing hotly inside
  my building where industry lives on,
  by which I mean you could want me 
  but DO you want me?
  You must answer very quickly 
  we have absolutely no time
  to articulate why or why not. 
  The day explodes in all directions
  when we suck up the backs of each other 
  when we blow each other back
  to the beginning when we up-price life.
  ¿Recuerdas los domingos gais? 
  Veíamos porno gay y agotábamos
  todo nuestro lubricante. Las noticias avanzan. 
  ¿Es este un día o algún tipo de
  medio artístico? Silencio:
  no queda nada de eso. Pero aquí estás
  reproduciéndote acaloradamente por dentro 
  de mi edificio donde la industria sigue viva,

  con lo que quiero decir podrías quererme. 
  Pero, ¿ ME QUIERES?
  Debes responder rápido.
  No tenemos absolutamente nada de tiempo
  para articular por qué o por qué no. 
  El día estalla en todas direcciones
  cuando nos chupamos la espalda la una a la otra 
  cuando nos devolvemos al principio de golpe,
  cuando logramos subir de repente el precio de la vida.

Sonnet II

The faces of dykes you know can change
according to the season. Or depending on
the work we’re accessing, or how often
we’ve moved flats this year –whether we own
our own houses, are our own bosses or work
for violent assholes. And how are they doing
the children in our lives? Did they issue your 
housing certificate? Did everyone get a visa?
If you see a dyke’s face in March you might find
a walk in the park, a bright daffodil or a house
on fire. O how the age we look flickers in the wind! 
Some of us are slick and some of us are sick,
and most of us have been both and will be all our 
                                        changing faces.

Las caras de las bolleras ¿sabes? 
cambian según la temporada. O dependiendo de
los trabajos a los que accedemos o
de la frecuencia con que nos hemos mudado de casa este año. 
De si somos dueñas de nuestras casas
de si somos nuestras propias jefas o si trabajamos
para tipos violentos. ¿Y cómo les va? ¿A los niños en nuestras vidas? 
¿Consiguieron empadronarse? ¿Todos obtuvieron visas?
Si ves la cara de una bollera en marzo es posible que encuentres
un narciso brillante, un paseo por el parque o una casa
en llamas ¡O cómo la edad que aparentamos parpadea en el viento! 
Algunas somos astutas y algunas estamos enfermas
y la mayoría de nosotres hemos sido ambas y seremos todas 
                                    nuestras caras cambiantes.

book cover
In Ambit, Issue 229 (2017)

Sketch for 'X' as Excess

        Size (the realm of the present).
        Content (the territory around which we are x). 
        Colour (blue).
  Bring up the lagoon we walked around.

  Memory: I can’t remember what time of year it was.

    Epistemic territory: water trapped in a basin. 
  We were in excess of it, climbing cliffs.

  I thought we were going to die.
        something you walk around. 
        The blue lagoon.

  Frame rate: 4000 (so fast we can’t see it’s not a movie). 
        Holiday pics:

        upload them in an array;

        a folder marked ‘location data’.

  The seasons
    are not the universe
      they are in the universe.      

  Find spring as (x), where ‘x’ is being born. 
    Find summer (growing); autumn (ageing);
      winter (dying).

  A revolution: the seasons trapped in a basin.

    Take them out of poetry. 
    Put them in a museum.

  The volcano shakes. 
  Background becomes foreground.
    Time rises

    as steam; an ellipse.                                     


  I lifted up my eyes and looked 
  – behold, queer plankton on YouTube.
    The sea angel crawls and glides,
      moving at the mercy of the changing currents.
  (Now I’m ready to close my eyes) 
    It dodges the lines of predators,
      knows where the edge of the collection jar is. 
  (Now I’m ready to close my eyes C’mon)
    Its body is a beryl,
      its face a strike of lightening.
  (I want you here)
    Its limbs gleam burning bronze,
      its limbs are fused as a wing 
  (Now I’m ready to close my mind. 
  Now I’m ready to feel your hand.)
    Its delicate encasing is tightly coiled – 
  (I lose my heart on the burning sands)
    when the chemistry shifts it lets its body go.

    It swims still

  Am I a type?
  Can you find me in the smell of the sea?
  In the forming sediments? Am I a common shape?

Possible emotional anatomy of the so-called declining

  I try to relate to this conversation 
  but directly observing
  the dead arm means touching it.

          monsieur bayard invented the camera before monsieur daguerre 
          but failed to get funding from the government.
          One of the earliest photographs is his
        Self-portrait of the Photographer as a Drowning Man (1840).

          I do not think I am a symptom
          though the eye has tried to kill me,
          I fight with him in bed. I am only interested
          in my emotions in as much as I can find them online
          in thesauruses. The places to be
          disappointed or euphoric. But no one likes to be reminded 

  or surprised. Things spill 
  from your pocket, arrive 
  in the room before you do. 
  People stoop over

  for fear of contamination. Chains of associations: 
  self-portrait of a drowning man; ophelia; hair.

          I saw an exhibition about the history of the asylum.
          Fell on my knees, demanded there were more labels.
          It was such a mess. If there is a man 
          he operates as a cleaning agent.

  You get more money. But what is a man? 
          The skeleton that prays.

          The skeleton that says 

  for knowing what you know through touching. A word
  touching you is an arm. Don’t try to read the invisible
  through the visible. Don’t turn on the nose.
  What frames the eyebrow but the actual eye? david beckham’s haircut

          gets up on stage to apologise to all haircuts that came before it. 
          Someone was disappointed
          by family then euphorically made a new one,

  this is how we do it. kurt cobain’s hair
          his distribution of lesbian looks. Properly citing 
          Italian men from the movies, 
          I put hair gel in my hair.

          My wife loved it. Strands of hair
          seen through a microscope
          turn up tiny passports to illness. 
          sylvia plath proved she was a man

  when she killed her wife. But she was the wife. 
  usa, britain, argentina. Divided.
  Right now, a mouse punches a cat.

  That’s how unnerving haircuts can be.
          The secret of success is always working with the same people. 
          And I’ve tried.
          I bring a photograph to the hairdressers. 

Valid, Virtual, Vegetable Reality

                            here / yes /
                        my behaving luck /
                  my legally blinding / hanging on
            to its job / thus department meetings and /
        this is not a matter of choice / Donna, Marshall & Roy
  has been / attempted merger of Ana / all the stuff in her desk is gone / today 
suits feelings / and I’ve got some / I’ve veered & aggressed / when I learnt how / I’m
gonna / O / my team were subjected to downsizing / our personalities are children
/ who know for sure now / when he slammed the car door / that Dad is mad

magazine cover
In Magma, Issue 68  (2017)

Epidemiological-Tropical Homesick
  A lumberjack shirt dries on the clothesline 
  between houses in the good neighbourhood. 
  My body is the good neighbourhood. Brother,

  don’t jump. Mum’s coming, I’m calling her.
  Come down from the edge
  of chemical transfusions of the exteriorising particle.

  We push our firm bodies up against theirs
  to get firmer. We go down to the kebab shop 
  to watch the fight in my mouth. In my mouth

  we are the last people up and we live here. 
  A hand touches the sun through a skylight, 
  brushing a wind chime of weathered glass.

  Whose house, whose h-ou-se is this? It’s Thursday. 
  I put on a lumberjack shirt. Take it off. Hang it up. 
  Take it down. Put it on. It’s raining worlds.

  What words? What us? The sea is drunk
  with his green beard. There is salt in the sea, salt 
  on my lips. I drink salty tea. Whose party is this?

  Being here or not being here takes such imperium over us. 
  The effectiveness of the campaign is in making us think
  blood is water and water is blood. The importance of the road

  is the density of traffic in search of gardens. 
  Brother, we are blooming into something in a garden, 
  bordered by hedges that meet in lines that make a grid

  that the searchlights show up at night. A healthy mind 
  is a body in transit, wading through provincial swamps, 
  skyscraper fogs, sparkling sandwiches, looking for proof.                                            

I’ve Taken It All in and I’m Trying to Keep it Down Without it Coming Out At Once

  Package tape taping barrel edge. 
  Head touches lid. Soggy packing tape
  doesn’t stick the lid down. Messages 
  decanted into envelopes. Lick the edge
  down to send it. Spit swelling, spurting 
  over microphone, through the tape.
  One in every home. Towel dripping speech 
  shaping audience. The most complicated organ
  is the audience. Three parts: rural, suburb, inner. 
  Licking, beep beep in my hands. Kissing you
  in the street. Traffic of saliva through the town 
  transforms the width of ducts:
  tear, tube, auditory. Hands in my water tank, 
  sealing it. Love’s a dangerous word.
  The electrical variation of what I’m trying to say: 
  three small bones. Everything drilling
  in the city. Couldn’t get back to the flat in time, 
  police were there. Door boarded up
  with wooden planks. ‘Timing’ says cockroach
  on the curb. Rain comes unplanned, in patterns.

First Meeting of the Artist Union in Barcelona

  little red ball of taste accompanies espresso 
  callous raspberry served, it’s fake
  please dip for taste
  are you kidding me I kick the stirrups 
  gallop through the rococo style restaurant 
  giving diners the finger, stealing lemons 
  from their toothpicks for my sippy cup
  it began when we found the shale tooth 
  I can’t tell you exactly where
  definitely at the curve of the road 
  where we uncovered the clue
  dusted off the earth
  with our little dig brush
  proof we would need wigs
  proof oil is moving backwards (first time then being)
  we picked out blue dresses
  to baffle the surveillance system
  stumbled down la rambla
  spreading rumours about our barrenness
  and how we were depressed
  (we sort of were) we plucked our old jeans off
  found something new
  a coin in my equestrian boot
  a pussy in my shoe
  little eyes like twenty-five imbued in the wallpaper
  we’re watching you
  with our fifty limbs we’re coming for your air miles
  your furniture will fund our movement
  (we had wigs on, which enabled us to ascend to positions of great power)
  I don’t know compost from art
  but I know what money is and what the weather feels like
  I bite hard on my mouth guard, start spinning
  I don’t want to wait by working I don’t want work to be wanting
  I want to get paid for everything
  every time I move towards this paranormal radio sound like waaaaaaaaaaaa 
  wuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh whooooooooooo it is me
  who is delivering your cucumber by drone, delivering
  your cucumber by self-driving car
  I want to get paid for that
  searching for the address of where you are on maps 
  you find a list of things you have done since 2009 
  written by you it’s only 30% true
  when we speak on skype our bodies are our voices a person is a number
  of sparkles going out quicker or slower, you are 
  green, red, gold                blue fading into dark
  I am holding you
  colours of the evening
  colours of Christmas on TV
  our souls are the TV no one watches anymore and 
  Christmas is the art
  sometimes the news is on
  sometimes you watch and watch and watch me                                    

Rebecca’s poems come from a place of excitement. Not the peppy, enthusiastic kind. I mean exciting at an atomic level, electrons vibrating and knocking. Her poems often have to stop themselves, ‘hey’ or ‘no way’, ‘are you kidding me’. The poem is something hotwired, hijacked, it’s kind of like an action movie but the action is thought and feeling. As a reader you duck and cover and go along with it. You have to let yourself lose your sense of location at times and keep up but that’s just where the poems are, as moving objects. I like to focus on that feeling of movement, or of being moved when reading them, and in doing so I find I am moved, I find the poems moving.

—Jack Underwood

self-portrait as a microphone

  sitting at a table
  waiting for the flogging 
  what is the difference 
  between remaining calm 
  and functioning at a basic
  can take most of it
  from gunshots to dialogue have no sense
  of volume
  but a thousand eyes
  for classifying
  how intensely I feel things
  these are things that can be measured also the timbre
  textures that are familiar or unknown

The Acephale Sonnets (excerpt 2)

I read an article about elderly people 
in care homes in the UK being bullied 

a memory from school my father’s voice
just a joke sometimes the lines in ice 
are cracks from air rising up from below

such that the surface resembles skin
sometimes the lines are rings retired 
& scolded in a heart made of iron 

do I know any of these people? 
most are famous activists 
I check the article again, their names 

don’t ring a bell their faces seem familiar 
they are folded like mine creased with ink

when I was born
everyone loved me
so I smiled or was it that
when I smiled everyone

begins to love me
that baby’s old they say

sometimes the wrinkles
are veins such that the skin
resembles marble 
or electric wires spilling 
from a building in a mad hot city

or the lines are unbendable ideas 
twisted faces & feelings caught
ice freezes in two styles you see


                    you look like a Pollock painting

no no a Rauschenberg       the surface is not

            any kind of window to the world             but a grid

across which the line moves                 self-assured
             also afraid of its own contingency

                                  the lines do not         point to anything
        least of all a person
                            in that way we are all protected

            from the tiresome activities of explaining who we are

                 a character has that tension like ice 

a deepening towards the bottom & a                           thrusting up

          the microscope is useless because nothing moves when frozen

look 	                    freeze            look 	        freeze      look 

freeze                          you’re moving


London Evening News Gazes at Sappho Magazine on the Eve of the ‘Ban the Babies’ Exposé (4th January 1978)

  Humbled we are to your hands skilled in
  raising a storm on Lower Belgrave Street
  your networks your inventiveness your style
  bars a thousand harms and lengthens life.
  We hold your genius at the centre of our
  Fleet Street culture, merely cultural is our love.
  Do not be distracted by television eating away
  at our market share, the persistence of our
  financial struggles, how the nation loves pictures
  but pays less every day. The Ordinary Voter will
  identify with you as your children are taken away
  leaving us free in the double sense to suckle
  for our lives are in danger too. Your struggles
  are the mirror we hold up to the lovely torrid changes
  in our own sexualities, things we feel but cannot name.
  The sweet beauty of your face secures our switch
  from broadsheet to tabloid. The placing of your sex
  in our hearts permits our assisted reproduction of
  Maureen the Mouth and something called the
  Ordinary Voter. You are our breathing feeling nut
  and bolt queer. We paint you even as the waning sedges
  play in the wind you beguilèd and surprised.
  We fetch you straight as an Echo by a running brook
  a Circe in purple robes or a Diana roaming
  thorny woods scratched legs one that bleeds.
  Curst will your mortal ears be to endure the din
  of our living situations the real voice of this exposé.                                      

Tony Blair Gazes at Rudy Giuliani on the Eve of the Creation of the Mayor of London and Has a Dream About the Year 2018 (4th May 2000)

  Your face flashes up I practically faint Cherrie fanning me,
  my brow the screen across which your charm flickers,
  my brain a balloon twisted in the form of your buff jerkin.
  I want it pressed to my thigh as I stoop to ordain
  Noel Gallagher’s parker jacket. Last night I dreamt that
  free speech advocates petitioned to fly a balloon of the mayor
  in a bikini over the city. The dream mayor said ‘yes’ as in my dream
  free speech meant ‘the right to circulate metalized plastics’.
  In my dream the rubber and latex that once belonged to queers,
  who know all about the plasticity of sex and what it means to parody
  the patina of plunder, all those glitters now belonged to the far right.
  In my dream ‘queerness’ meant the same as ‘democracy’:
  the good government of being governed as the sea is 
  by micro-plastics under whose countenance pillage continues.
  In my dream ‘democracy’ meant the right of the far right to fly
  inflatables over the city; the right of the left to dive deflated
  into a car park; the right of the people to pick up scraps of fallen
  polychloroprene to make our own fuck dolls. I get enough together
  to make two, one of me and one of you. Me in a helmet holding a trident 
  my Britannia heart screams you in a cape a cigar in your mouth
  pinstripes down run my town if not two have you been to Southampton, 
  both my towns stand up for you the little hairs around them shivering.                                         

book cover
In Canal, Issue 2  (2019)

The Procedure of a Feeling

    because it was a full-throated ease
    omitting no opportunity to present
    just because it has been
    the folds of the way
    a four nookèd track
    you have to say ‘snap’
    at the right time
    study and contention
    harmonious inflections
    time repeated its four qualities:
    attention, erasure, drainage, the breath
    a hare writhed, a horse flung, a crocodile licked
    emptiness dulled the opiates dry
    what divides each note that way?
    what song of shorter faster ones?
    the fifth quality: the word from which we get ‘consent’
    sentire meaning ‘a feeling’
    body be my teacher
    body teach me
    so ashamed how the body might do it better
    we must learn from the body
    the body is ancient news
    so beautiful and desperate everyone writing to the body
    I sat with my body
    made fun of it
    no body has written as good as me
    I don’t care if you like it
    (I could care for you)
    I don’t give a shit what is commended
    (you could care for me)
    the poem accumulating sweetness answered me:
    thousands of people in the English speaking world
    had read hundreds of poems about nightingales
    but had never actually heard one sing before
    they began to evoke poems
    buying vinyl records of birdsong
    the human the human
    how it chirps on the moon
    that we might find it by a bird
    with the code for its own demise
    beauty and desperation (the errors of genre)
    send this on or die (chain letters)
    people love watching cooking programs
    programs about redecorating your living room
    how to get the best mortgage
    we want to know about process
    how is it done? we want to see change
    cooking programs as the successful bending of the system
    to the creative will of the people
    I enjoyed cooking programs during the most alienated period of my life
    I’d watch the instruments laid out
    the sounds they make the clarity of use
    the blender the fork the knife
    the garlic sliced
    the fire taking up combustible gas
    the butter melting the spices pinched
    their powers
    so powerful
    zhummmmm pitter pitter shpahhhhhhh
    zzzzzz I turned to the screen
    darkling I listened
    totally surprised by this change
    my delight in the cooking program
    ‘You are quite aware of the distance between 
    the cooking program and feeling something. 
    You nonetheless insist on the cooking program’
    a name
    that witching face
    unbidden from the wood
    like encountering an interface so exquisite you can’t believe it’s not real
    although you also know on some deep level
    it is the realest thing you’ve seen in a while
    I placed the locket on the desk
    the desk on the wall the wall on the house the house on the floor
    each object rose from its location
    the biggest moon in eight long years
    the warmest February ever recorded
    skills multiplied
    my face fell apart my hands were left
    I pushed them against the shore
    smoothed the edges died to think
    all the chatter left my mind
    I didn’t even notice it leave
    I remembered parts of me
    behind the knee below the sun
    the fingertip
    the mouth of a slender glass water bottle
    light fidgeted
    summer crawled under a rock
    bubbles winked at the stream’s brim
    the river’s mouth stained white
    energy cracked through the chimney
    Sant Adrià’s thermal energy plant
    sounds like a man banging an anvil close to me
    when people are not being brave
    when the fragmented day
    when work inflames
    when a lack of work looms
    when the cleaning the cleaning
    I whisper lines of poems to get to sleep
    bring summer in
    I was in a heavy mood
    worrying about how to get everyone I love
    a visa
    confusing that with what I want
    and I was alone
    which is really a form of social isolation
    I talked to friends
    their advice was good like ‘ask for concrete things that can be accomplished 
    bearing in mind time’
    rocks bowed down to the sand
    the ramble of clouds the tram ride
    shadows urged the sea to roll
    an outlook cracked
    the books on the bookshelf were fine
    the sounds of the kitchen were kind
    the kids in the classroom wondered
    the mujeres, lesbianas y trans did kung fu
    the institutions held meetings
    where all the words were attentive
    all attention was desired
    all touch was petitioned
    all obligations were respectful of our time
    if this poem’s not that good it’s not my fault
    it is the films of Barbara Hammer’s fault
    or John Clare’s The Progress of Rhyme’s fault
    it is the iron in the clay’s fault
    the chalk the water the humidity
    if this poem is weak you can’t blame me
    in the middle of the night I replied to a member of the audience
    who left the cinema angrily in the middle of Barbara Hammer’s
    A Horse is Not a Metaphor
    the artist was sick with ovarian cancer
    her horse got sick at the same time also cancer I think
    the footage suggests they accompanied each other
    through treatment and recovery
    the horse’s eye
    they get better together to ominous cello music
    close ups galloping hospital beds bracelets
    stroking wading in the river
    the strength of their muscles
    the conditions of life of a domesticated horse
    parallel the human experience of sickness
    of being at the mercy of an infinite number of checks
    illness and health are blurred
    a horse is not a metaphor
    because the artist asks herself:
    what am I going through?
    which becomes what are you going through?
    but not what are ‘we’ going through
    which is why it is not a metaphor
    nothing is transferred over to anywhere else
    the man had muttered ‘amateur’
    the next day in the protest my banner read: 
    ‘I have learnt the way of looking by heart
    but I can also read the films of Barbara Hammer (thank you goodnight etc.)’
    I am connected to an infinite number of things
    in anger, constraint, fear and movement
    surfaces are the essence of what I’m talking about
    without words
    I made all the surfaces mine
    got into the logic of the surface and started organising
    a recycling bin here a desk there
    moved all my loose files into one folder
    I took off my top
    I like being alone
    when I cried on my route many times
    when I have tried to cry but tears don’t come
    I say is this crying a connector or a blocker?
    sometimes crying has the function of avoiding something you need to get on with 
    (a blocker)
    suddenly I was behind the cry
    in a room called bedsit
    before I was born
    my question frozen out to sea
    my question escaped me
    surrounded by silence small bits of work
    we’ll help you
    really? I have always wanted a teacher
    I don’t have a style or it isn’t independent
    I don’t have a single skill defined
    it doesn’t matter you can have fame now
    like setting out to tick off jobs
    but finding the whole day lost
    so my poem was distributed
    despite the lack of garden care
    stories of family where no-one was
    I found my way back to poetry
    hope turned on zoooooommmm dahhhhhh
    there it is
    still mine
    I had a few friends to guide me through ambition
    at first I would hide
    thinking I had to choose between poetry and life
    but there were books inside my house
    my mum liked to read
    so much she read a book a week
    she was always chatting to me
    she wanted to know what I thought about things
    everything else was cordoned off
    the rights of poets and nothing to me
    a title I still feel ambivalent about
    I have regretted showing it around
    where pictures promised of the future’s powers
    and the past’s magic
    I felt excluded from this image
    I went on a march and thought again
    in spite of everything I still do this
    sound poured into every shallow
    deep winds organised the sea’s greens
    an attitude flooded the stretch
    no matter what these words sound like
    they come from my chest
    my heart totally plugged in right now
    talent swelled
    it was our ancestors who listened and who we loved
    and who we deleted when they became
    anthem, courtship or group password
    let them push and push while I push on yours
    you have to assume this poem exists
    because of all the parents I have parented
    and all the parents I’ve had
    the number is finite (the body’s duration)
    the possibility is infinite (the body’s durability)
    not consuming exactly
    but among its stuff and channels
    I laid around lazily
    without a sense of loyalty
    loving partners, friends and strangers
    pulling the network close to me
    committed to its confidence
    knowledge moved to the centre of my stare
    visible in my stormy mood
    how I’d look just beyond you
    even my enemies couldn’t distract me
    I still worshipped this stuff
    fighting for indifference to be discontinued
    that was my fight when I was young
    I was just being born when I was aggregated
    the curse of unfeeling
    who was that who turned its eye and replied
    it was warm when it was cold
    I was creating it
    I felt so much love for all devices
    I was reckoning with every letter on my keyboard
    I really loved each one
    now everything that is happening online
    behind every family a locket
    beneath every face a frozen lake
    a loved one’s eye a child’s eye
    painted on the surface of an elephant’s tusk
    after Albert died Queen Victoria wore 
    a locket around her neck
    a photograph of him on one side
    a lock of his hair on the other
    on her wrist she wore eight lockets
    a lock of hair from the heads 
    of each of her eight living children
    lockets were also given to women 
    forced to leave their children 
    at foundling hospitals one half used 
    to identify the child the other half used 
    to identify the mother who’d have to present it 
    to get her child back sentiment 
    is for some people identification for others 
    I still have the right to feel
    I can still speak as well as the greatest men
    the elephant begat your royalty
    I feel much better every time I say that
    thank god for electricity 
    I created my own electricity for my thoughts and I kept going
    it’s like when you turn your phone on I get ready
    zzzzoooom dahhhhhh
    by morning things get difficult
    updates yourself yourself the audience
    I started to get more work
    that’s when I really appreciated friends
    as I needed less I needed them
    when unburnt feelings stood before me
    the heaviest rain a hail storm
    I felt like the roof
    beauty smiled at me
    friendship the paycheck
    as soon as I thought it there she was I even loved her name
    I wrote poems for her
    my ambition turned to her
    the only opinion that existed was hers
    but obsession tried to hoist from love
    all the qualities I liked I couldn’t pick for me
    it took a long time to get
    that love has nothing to do
    with knowing everything
    I left her alone so many people have 
    mistaken love for fame
    but they were wrong about the economy
    every self-cohering line
    all narration love afforded
    every act of centering we’re listening
    the economy
    so sadistically dressed-up
    as your ideal parents
    exclamations many faces
    I basically know everything
    desperation I hummed the sound
    blazing beauty cruised through
    a sweet location fell on me
    a falling winter on my face
    rest made of sheep’s wool
    one thought took me
    I mostly married poetry
    check on me
    be my parent’s voice
    it happened not at work but of its scarcity
    help me poetry
    the way in this town people talk about work

The Acephale Sonnets (excerpt)

I awoke with curb in my mouth acrimony effigy I said
to my dove who was sleeping but I was feeling culled
fiction slide down my ratchet what it’d be like to pelt
from the inside out. these tinned goods, are they mine?
I can spree. it is relevant that rectangles filled my mouth
at the threshold of sleep & waking that I recalled their faces
as I came back up. is everything under the gun effable?
Cabins! the world is divided but the categories are inverted
pregnancies go inward spite pours in from flat packs
brought up from the well. the way is not warring but struck 
in an age of content, a long win which is not the edge 
of something but a loop back to essence when the names of 
supermarkets sounded like freedom, I’m going to ALECEPHA 
do you want anything? because they were in public space


  1.	the sea unexpectedly parts as you greet it
  2.	the face as Southend peer
  3.	the face as the seals watching quietly at the end of the peer
  4.	a face unexpectedly expels your body
        the face as capital the face as I don’t care
  5.	our happy faces (Dunya is pretending to be my dad 
        she takes me out on a fun day to the arcades 
        and I’m pretending to be her dad we do not know this at the time 
        it is only on reflection as we drive to the cinema to watch the new matrix sequel 
        after singing man I feel like a woman that we are reminded of our capacity to father each other)
  6.	if a face comes over for dinner you feel happy as you have done the work
  7.	the arcade is a place without faces only fun
  8.	a face gets up in the morning &
        it doesn’t get up! you know this!
  9.	a face takes note of everything interested in it & blends into the background
  10.	a face once loved once ate once bred
  11.	a hairdresser ponders the incapacity of the face to fit the do
  12.	your mother turns to you as a sunflower faces the sun
  13.	what kind of sonnet does your lover write when your face is a wasteland?
  14.	you accuse me of being of the generation that takes things seriously
      y a la vez virtually